
Morvay - Miley - Cruice Post 524



Monday - Shuffleboard, Pinochle, Mahjong, and Socializing

Doors open 5:00 PM

The Post and Canteen are open to all Post Family members and their guests.

Friday – Social Night

Doors open 5:30 PM

Kitchen Serving Food From 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

The Post and Canteen are open to all Post Family members and their guests.

Wednesday Lunch

Lunch Served 11:00 - 1:00

The Wednesday Lunch is open to members and the general public.

Sunday Buffet Breakfast

The Sunday Breakfast is held on the 1st and 3rd Sunday From 8:30 to 11:30 and is open to members and the general public.

The Morvay-Miley-Cruice Post is open to all members of the Post 524 Family (Post, Auxiliary, and Squadron members). Visiting privilege is extended to all other American Legion Post members and veteran members of all recognized Veterans Service Organizations (VSO's), i.e. Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), American Veterans (AMVETS), Korean War Veterans Association (KWVA), Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA), Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), Jewish War Veterans (JWF), Catholic War Veterans (CWV), Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and any other Congressionally chartered veterans’ organizations not mentioned here. The same invitation is extended to all of our active-duty military men and women who may wish to visit our home. Possession of a current VSO membership card or active-duty military ID card at the time of the visit is all that is required.

The guest policy requires that a guest must be “signed in” by the VSO member and can remain as long the member is present.

Functions such as the Sunday Breakfasts and Wednesday Luncheons which are open to the public, do not require proof of membership.